
boom! boom!

call me maybe
by: Carla Rae Jepsen

newest earcandy. Literally playing all day on my iPhone and BanBan (MBP). It didn't fail to make me groove, the song just got the so-called charisma. LOVE.


Holy week

[late post]

Last week, I'm thinking of buying a rosary. I had one since my third year highschool that I put on my wallet but went invisible after 4 years. My sister gave me one again after the one went missing.

My point, I feel more the spirit of the rosary when it was given to me instead of me buying it. So, I'm having second thought on buying one that i just wanna ask someone to give me one and have it blessed. HAA!

Fast forward, we had mass at the office before the most holy days begins. On my side was a not-so-old man. I was amazed when I heard him respond to everything the preacher has been said and sing with heart and without hesitation. He smiles every time we look on his direction (I'm with two office mates). He seems to be a nice man.

At the end of the mass, this what most amazed me, he approached me, and handed me a rosary that was blessed.
Isn't it awesome that someone stranger approached you and handed you something important, mind you I was waiting that he'll ask for some money in return just like the others, I feel so grateful and blessed as if it the answer for my prayer. To have a rosary that was given and NOT bought. he was a lay minister (my mental confusing state of mind was secretly answered).

It's not a fancy rosary. It's just a simple one but I'm guarding it with my life. Its the thought that really counts. I considered it my lucky charm. Of course, alongside with hardwork and determination. Thought I'd share .

Btw, here's the pic.


Interior designing top my list as to what I wanna be. I just don't have the heart to pursue it now. Maybe cos I want to pursue it when I'm already earning my own money. to be a doctor top the second, I have full packed strength to pursue it now. I'm just confused. Whatever . lol



are you excited? I AM!!!

I wouldn't mind watching you guys perform live over and over and over and over and over!!!!



"I love my mom no matter what we go through, no matter how much we argue, because I know, at the end, she’ll always be there".

Don't get me wrong, but I just find this saying a pathetic one. I mean, you only love your mother because she'll always be there for you? Like, "I love you, cos I need you" kind of thing? How about the "I need you, cos I love you" Thing? It's much better right.

Methink, our love for our mother(&father) should be unconditionally and yes, no reasons at all. We love them 'cos we love them!!! That's it!!!


head(er)s up!

I know, I know, its been EONS since I changed my blog header into something, well.....plain&boring. It takes alot of dreaming, imagining, & fantasizing before you can comup into something very you. So, after all the nightmares and rabbithole momemts, I am happy to make you all see what I've been messed-up the past few hours. TADA! 

Am so psyched with my not-so-boring-newly-made-by-me header. so colorful, just some of the things that makes me a happy, happy girl. Visually obvious, I'm a hopeless romantic, and at this age of 20-somethingsomething, I still believe in fairytales and happy endings.