
a solemn promise ( i feel blessed)

[late post]
meet you at the S M X newly registered nurses. (*tickled pink)

The first time i took up the board exam, i failed. my reaction? D A B D A [well, i guess its a normal rxn for the people who's going through some life and death sits', right? *okay, more like overrated ] but yeah, failing that e x a m  was like the end of the world for me, I don't know how to get back on track again.

D is for denial: when they told me that i didn't make it, i asked them for a millionth time just to make sure i heard it right.

A is for anger:[myself] for the thought that I did my very best but only to realized that it was not even close to "better"! [*ooopps! too late]

B is for bargaining: as much as i would love to bargain with the BON members, i just couldn't do. HAA!:)~

D is for depression: i am bitter with the world! overacting? =) i cannot manage to open my FB account, j u s t b e c a u s e its too painful to see those "victorious" posting statuses and photos that claimed "happiness" [ IT HURTS, Y'KNOW?] =))

A is for acceptance: the fact that i accepted the fact, i am more eager to show the world that i deserve to taste the so-called victory! I ditched the galas and focussed more on my review, my determination to pass go bonkers and i couldn't help it. HEE!:)

Failing the first time didn't stop me from pursuing my goal. thus, it serves as a wake-up call that not everything i want i can get in a snap. i must work hard on to achieve it.

I learned my lesson the painful way, but no rue at all. Hence, I should be thankful 'coz that experienced made me more mature and stronger to face life's upcoming trials.

My crusade to pass the NLE was over, Now i can free my mind from the worries of "what-ifs" and enjoy the sweet taste of s u c c e s s .☺ My two months, yes, t w o M o n t h s  abstinence from galas was all worth it [glad that i listened to mom]. 
*iu mommy, you really know whats best for me.

 To be a nurse is out of my dictio [ AND, doesn't even exist in my wildest dreams], but i think that's how life works, the one you don't want, is the very thing that'll be given to you. But, wait e n o u g h! "no regrets just love." [as the saying goes] 
Krysteen Yvonne A. Javier, RN ☻ overjoyed!           

see our S M I L E S ?[priceless!]
 *MYM&PP [make your momma&poppa, PROUD!]

To my B I G brother up there, T H A N K  Y O U for everything, for the knowledge, for the chance, just for e v e r y t h i n g !

To my parents, for the unconditional love and support.

To bobby [sister], who blamed herself when i failed my first exam, thanks for the "words-of- encouragement"[ as you called IT, mmm.K!] LOL

and  to you people, thank you:
- who b e l i e v e d that i can make it.
- who p u s h e d me to do my very best.
- who h e l p e d me study.
- and for your p r a y e r s! [the best]

*overwhelming happiness.
got my license to.... =)

A simple celebration with the fam. OMNOMNOM
I almost forgot, 

...the Good Ol' trustworthy beer.

don't get me wrong, i am not a substance abuser or something but the night before the BIG day, i drink a bottle of it and it soothes my nerves.

...till the end amigo. HAHAHAHA

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