
This goes 'tuyo'

Are you a filipino who grew up in the Philippines? You probably know what is Tuyo.It is not popularly known in another country like that of adobo. 

For other citizenships, TUYO is a salty-dried fish, known for its distinct taste and distinct smell. you might wonder what its smell like that make it really recognizable. 

Its a popular filipino delicacy, known to be a low-class food for its very cheap price but thats before 'cos it evolves by time and been a dish for all class levels. You can mix it in pasta now. see

okay, so this is not about tuyo. It's how you can eat it aside from the usual tuyo and vinegar thing. filipino way.

I come-up with this weird mixture of foods because I was craving for both tuyo and cheese and tomato way back highschool. and it's really delicious, many people who saw me eating like that find it weird though. HAA! can't blame them. 

I like mixing food, discovering new dish and flavors from the usual foods I eat. you can mistakenly recognize it as pig's food from the texture. LOLJK

[photo source: google images]

with a plain rice

mix the fried tuyo. make sure that it has been removed from it's tinik

mix the chopped cheese as well. eden cheese may do

mix the chopped tomato also
squeeze atleast 2 kalamansi. do not include the seedlings.

mix it all together with you barehands
all set
eat with your bare hands

trust me it's yummy
I'm craving now

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