
friendster profile

i love how friendster used to be, before they upgraded it into something alien and erased all the memoriesssssssss.

glad i was able to save my profile. scroll down, down down down there, AH THERE, right! :))

[IDK what happened but they got labo-labo]
408716txz1mwjkez.gif 1073023jze1atnhq2.gif Sometimes people mistook me for being mataray but honestly it's just my shyness,if they would just make an effort to know me they would realize that first impressions really don't last.. eager.. a "BATHROOM SINGER"880179lfkr80csun.gif.. I can't control my mood swings.. broadcasting my private life to other people isn't me, i'd rather keep it to myself.. i'm my daddy'sz little1969170f28za95bo7.gifprincess.. i'm not a loner, i just want to spend more time with myself-dreaming,reminiscing,hoping.. i have a hard time adjusting.. hate "the pumper" kind of people.. internet1967617kdyqvjwbo7.gifaddict.. MALDITA since birth.. 2123972qrrss6d13k.gifi cry easily!..i'm my daddy'sz little1969170f28za95bo7.gifprincess.. making friends?! is so not me, I'm contented with few but real.. 1433128pzt7tfq0to.gifSOBRA!it's my therapy, esp. when i'm stress and depress.. CHICKEN, my comfort food. i can eat it 24/7.walang sawa.. i love "cute" babies1425047v053asidr9.gif, can't wait to have my own.. I HATE HORROR FILMS.. I'm weak at refusing temptations.. i easily believe in jokes, so be careful i might believe it.. addicted to pigs!1625231r1s88trjn6.gif.. still amazed with fairy tales and Santa claus.. i love surprises && hate disappointments, so I don't expect much.. a 1397007wuejiemdwe.gif swimmer.. i forgive but i don't forget!.. i don't take things too seriously.. i get jealouseasily.. i hate being the "center of attention".. i enjoy life to it's fullest.. i drink998033vg3jorm7d3.gif but i don't smoke.. chocolate(w/ nuts) brings me back to life.. i always wanted to have a candlelightdinner on the beach w/ someone i LOVE and LIKE.. i can be mean if you're mean, but i'm nice if you're nice.. i don't have tons of patience!.. i have DAGA-phobia.. 372342u7ltyjhig3.gifI'm obsessed in taking pictures

i may be fat... but you're ugly. and no amount of dieting can help that.(sorry)bwahaha.. 1430515sz339diwzb.gif -------------------------------------------------------
1434393hmrwoph2l7.gif I crush you sooo! 869213zshwx26q2w.gif600473irtof67puc.gif2123974ingwhrper6.gif784126i7m0zlsre1.gif330880hsw1dg6gph.gif1122572zavgokla0m.gif1328973qi9l1wqnre.gif
[can't get over with Jun Pyo's fever!]
[ testimonials and messages are highly appreciated ]
[MULTIPLY-FACEBOOK-TAGGED: kryiel@yahoo.com ]

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