
should I stay on safety nest or should I dare to dream

This is not the first time I talk about this. The path is still blurry, I don't know what way to go. Should I pursue what I started--'cos it already cost me alot--or drop it until I can because it's not what I wanted or maybe 'cos I'm just afraid for a total new environment I'm going to get in and I am not used to it. I don't know, that what I am a hundred percent sure of now.

But thanks for this article, it answers some of my unconscious questions. maybe it is fear or maybe not. well. I really don't know.

I can't say that I don't what my first choice because something deep inside me holds on, maybe it's fear that makes me wanna quit. IDK, my mind is circling and kind of lost its sanity.

How To Transform Fear From Your Worst Enemy To Your Greatest Asset(Take this short mental quiz to find out..)

QUIZ: Is Fear Holding You Back?

  1. Do you find yourself overly focused on past failures?
  1. Do you find yourself choking you on an overwhelming sense of uncertainty when faced with change?

  1. Do you tend to spend more time avoiding, outrunnning or hiding from fear?

  1. When you are worried do you tend to get busy?
  1. Do you bury your head in the sand when things aren't going well?
  1. Do you waste time fighting resisting fear?
  1. Does fear lock you into your own private hell of endless “what if” or “what next” loops?
  1. When you feel afraid do you start hedging bets or planning exits?
  1. Do you struggle to make decisions if you are unsure of the outcome?
  1. Are you constantly worrying about the future unable to stay present in life as it is right now?
  1. Do you make excuses or find reasons not to follow through on new oportunities?
  1. Do you constantly look to the past before being able to make decisions in the present?
  1. Do you struggle trusting your partner in relationships?
(If you answered yes to even one of the questions above, this might be the most important
5 minutes you'll ever spend reading...)

From the desk of Erin Falconer The Editor of PickTheBrain.com

Dear Fellow Awesome Human Being -
What Do You Do When You Feel Afraid?

Do you fall into the fetal position, frozen by the fear of failure?Do you try to avoid feeling fear by pretending it doesn't exist?Are you the kind of person who gets pissed at the world, swinging at anyone and everyone in your way, determined to fight your way through your fear?The truth is, it really doesn’t matter what you do when you feel afraid...Truth #1 Your Resistance Only Serves To Build Fear’s Persistance!Let me explain by asking you one quick question.Have you ever really thought about what it costs you to play all these little cat and mouse games with fear?Clearly I’m not talking about the fear of heights, clowns, small spaces, snakes or other phobias.(Although they’re all VERY real, these are NOT the fears that keep you from the life your heart knows you deserve!)The fears I’m talking about are every day little worries that creep up on you. At first they seem harmless. Then they keep coming. And coming. Soon it's a full on assault - stalking you constantly - minute by minute, day by day, slowing hijacking your life!The problem is - you have no clue it's even happening..Until it's too late... Truth #2 Fear Is Your Constant CompanionIt doesn’t matter if you choose to avoid, ignore, deny or fight your fear - it’s still there with you every single day... whether you know it or not!Don't you think it's become a little too easy for you to blame your problems on YOU?You can't get a new job because you are "unmotivated".You can't lose those last 15 lbs. because "you're exhausted - you spread yourself too thin"You can't find the courage to go on a date believing "you're too shy".Or maybe you're even are harder on yourself with thoughts like "I'm depressed", "I'm lazy" or "Oh, I'm just not a very confident person - that's not me!"And guess what - it's COMPLETE AND UTTER BS!But more than that, my friend?It's tragic...Yes - it's a complete tragedy you believe any of this crap about you!As if the REAL you could EVER be anything but AMAZING.And don't start beating yourself up about this - you are NOT alone.Besides, are you really surprised you're feeling this way? How could you NOT blame yourself if that's all you've been taught?I mean how would you know NOT to at this point if that's what you were taught? It's all you know!The fact is most of these fears have been programmed since childhood!And you better believe those tentacles of fear will only continue to tighten their vice like grip on your life, until you have complete faith in your "specialness".Honestly...can you even remember a time in your life when you lived without worry, guilt or worse - numbness in your life?Truth #3 You're More Scared Than You ThinkAny thought triggering feelings of stress, anxiety, anger, even sadness - has one root cause - FEAR.Most of the time it's in your "blind spot". (It was planted so long ago, it’s become a part of who you think you are now.)Fear is quick sand for your soul.Fear makes moving forward so painfully slow to move - it feels like a noose around your neck, choking every last breath of hope right out of your body...If you let it.But what if you knew for a fact fear is nothing more than a bully holding your happiness in a headlock – would you really let it control you every single day?Truth #4 What Is Your Fear COSTING You?Have you ever wanted something so badly you would've traded almost anything to have it, then all of a sudden, for no reason, it gets ripped out of your hands, right before your very eyes? Devastated by defeat you don't even really hear the tiny voice of fear whisper quietly, "I told you so! This is what happens when you out yourself out there. You know you aren't good enough and don't deserve these type of things - why do you even try?"Meanwhile you don't barely notice depression sneaking in to set up camp.Have you ever been so afraid to be alone that you stayed in an emotionally abusive relationship - dying to leave but terrified you'll ever find someone who will really love you?And with every tear you cry, your self-esteem slowly evaporates.Do you feel like you're trapped in a hole you can't dig out of every time you stress out on how to make ends meet this month?As the dollars disappear from your bank account, your confidence crumbles.Truth #5 You Are NOT Your FearThe truth is you're lying to yourself if you see you as anything but AWESOME.If you can't see the truth of who you are, you MUST change your filter NOW!Before it's too late...Before all hope is gone...Before your dreams disappear into nothingness...Before you give up, calling yourself nothing but a lost cause - you must know the truth!You don't have to "fight" fear - there’s nothing to “beat”...All you need to do is learn to play the game with a different set of rules starting with knowing fear is NOT a filter for truth - it's only a pathway to change.The truth is simple...Fear can free your soul IF you know how to separate WHO you are from WHAT you're feeling - they are NOT the same thing!To do this, you must step up by opening your eyes.And you must start actively participating in your life.Unless you want to continue to let your fear define, defeat or even worse control you...Truth #6 In Gratitude There Can Be No FearWhat if you could see your fear as nothing more than a mind supported global positioning system (GPS) like you use in your car?Now let's pretend this system is personalized with your beliefs and values - giving you the best navigation system EVER built - for your life.(That would be nice, wouldn't it?)Well here's the secret...that's all fear is supposed to be - your personal GPS.Feelings of fear are actually designed to help you - to steer you back on track.Fear is simply trying to say, "Hey this is important? You sure you up for this because I don't know where you're going all of a sudden - I'm not sure we can do this. Maybe we should turn around and go home?"It begins a campaign designed to convince you by reminding you of all the times you've failed in the past because you weren't good enough.And you believe it!You actually let fear terrorize your mind into thinking you should swim back safely to shore - to the safety of what you know.But there's only one problem...Your current beach front property ain't working out for you is it?(Which is probably why you were trying a new approach in the first place.)So there you are - trying to make a change while fear is screaming in your face, "No change! Change is scary!! I'm not sure we can handle change!"Your mind grabs onto this fear frequency - not sure if it's up to the task - and it uses your fear to talk you into going back to the "comfort" zone.You see the funny thing is the mind doesn't care if staying put means you'll continue to be alone, broke or despondent!(Especially if your belief system says that's what you deserve.).It just wants to do what's easy.Think about it like this...Have you ever used a GPS to get you to your destination and left the planned route because there's an accident or just bad traffic?As the GPS voice harps at you to make a u-turn back to the guided route, do you do it?No. You're confident in your choice.You just think, "Yeah, yeah, I know I'm off route cupcake - but I got this!"That's all fear is supposed to do...it's there to guide you - that's it!Just like the annoying voice in your car keeping you on track, your fear signals to you when a pathway of real change has been opened up right in front of you.Truth #7 Fear Is Your Crystal BallResisting, avoiding or fighting fear only serves as a distraction.By giving fear energy you are choosing to give it the ENERGY from YOUR LIFE - until you’re nothing but an empty shell of your true potential.Think about it...Is it really laziness or a lack of motivation that keeps you from the job you want or the date of your dreams...Or is it the fear of rejection?Do you sabotage the growth you so desperately desire because you can't make decisions...Or is it because you're afraid to make the wrong one - terrified to fail?Are you trapped in old shattered patterns that stopped serving you long ago because you hate change...Or do you believe this is as good as it gets and it's all you deserve?I don't know which one applies to you - heck maybe all of them...But I DO know keeping fear as your constant companion - in any capacity - means you're basically handing over the keys to your life, making it impossible for you to embrace possibility!Imagine using fear as your own personal crystal ball guiding you towards the best possibilities for your best life...Imagine feeling that first flutter of fear...and smiling...That's right - can you imagine welcoming fear with the open arms with gratitude that you're moving - growing - making progress... Can you imagine if you could really use the power of fear to free your soul?And now, this time with compassion and empathy for YOU, circle back to your life ask yourself this...Is the fear of failure keeping you from the financial freedom you deserve?Is the fear of being laughed at, or ending up worse off than you are right now holding you back from finding your soul mate?Are you exhausted by constantly trying to avoid or eliminate your fears?Is the stress of “fighting” through it beginning to take it's toll on your soul?Then stop - resisting fear is the number one reason you're not succeeding!You can stop the madness and change everything if you quit resisting.Truth #8 Fear Is The Only Way ToUnlock Your PowerNo matter what you’re afraid of or what you do, one thing is certain...By harnessing your fear you can leverage its power finally drive you to the other side of YOU!Are you finall ready to...
  • Tap into the power of your fears and transform your life into world of freedom, fulfillment and UNLIMITED joy.
  • Let fear lead you to a new possibility and potential, every time.
  • Welcome change as an opportunity for growth and joy.
  • Ride the wave to break through to an amazing YOU!

source: http://pickthebrain.com/blog/poweroffearsignup/ 

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